Monday, April 20, 2020

A Matter of Perspective

My wife has this saying she uses whenever my boys encounter setback: “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” In other words, the way we look at something shapes what we see. Are the storms of life a blessing or a curse? It depends on your perspective.

I love my wife's saying. It's profoundly true, but like many of life's truths, it's a little too simplistic. I mean, can't a challenge be both an ordeal AND an adventure? Can't the storms of life bring both blessing AND curse? After all, I love the flowers that grow after the storms have passed, but I hate having to wash my car again.

So our perspective matters, but often what we feel when we walk through a trying time isn't black and white, positive or negative, but a confusing mixture of seemingly contradictory emotions.

Consider the statement GODISNOWHERE. 

What do you see when you read it?
God is Nowhere? How depressing.
God is Now Here? How encouraging!

Truth is, it could be read both ways, and I suspect you read it a couple times and saw both perspectives. I love this statement, because it sums up the confusing, seemingly contradictory nature of this season we find ourselves in.

  • The church buildings are closed, and yet the church has been mobilized into our Spheres of Influence.
  • Supplies are scarce, and yet it's given people opportunity to practice generosity in unique ways. Who could have anticipated that secretly putting toilet-paper on the front of someone's home would one day be seen as an act of love?!
  • Fear is rampant, but like weights for our muscles, the fear has helped our faith grow stronger.
It’s all a matter of perspective. And our perspective might change from moment to moment. Welcome to life in God’s good, albeit sin-warped creation. In this life, joy and sorrow are close companions. Pain and hope can coexist in the same moment. Fear and faith are not mutually exclusive. And beautiful things grow in the valley of despair.

Let's turn for a moment to Psalm 23. There's an interesting line at the end of verse 5, one that can be read many different ways:

"My cup overflows."

I've often read that line and scratched my head. What do you mean, David? Overflows with what?" Trouble? Blessing? Emotions? If emotions, which ones? Sorrow? Loneliness? Joy? Gratitude?

You get the picture. Like a good poem, this part of Psalm 23 acts as a mirror to our soul, exposing us as much as it exposes David. It invites us to come out of hiding and consider what is welling up inside of us.

So what is your cup overflowing with? 

Frustration? Loneliness? Discouragement? Anger?
Peace? A sense of intimacy with God? Hope? Joy? 

Probably a confusing concoction of many of those seemingly contradictory emotions. And that's totally natural. It's just part of walking through this dark valley alongside our Shepherd. It's both an ordeal and an adventure. 

But make no mistake - we will get through this. 


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